Yesterday, my husband and I officially dedicated our daughter to the Lord. We committed ourselves to raise her to know and love our Lord Jesus Christ, and to continue to model a faithful and growing relationship with Him ourselves. As exciting as this event was (and a joy to share our commitment with friends and family), it is also mind boggling to try and comprehend this immense responsibility we now have as parents! We will stand before the Lord in judgment one day and be held accountable for the job we did in raising this beautiful, precious gift. We must be kind, loving and patient and devoted to teaching the truth. It is a rather large task that we have before us, but I am thankful that God feels us competent enough to handle it!!
I pray everyday that I will be the mom God wants and expects me to be, and I pray for my daughter, that she will have a personal relationship with Jesus. I pray that she will have a servant's heart, a love of the gospel, and a passion for God's word. I pray she will love others before herself, teach the truth in love, and not be ashamed of the gospel to save a lost and dying world.
I am truly truly blessed! Here are some pictures of my precious girl during her dedication. Enjoy!

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