Nicaragua is a country with a rich and vast, though sometimes perilous, history. And although Nicaragua is the second most impoverished country in Central and North America (followed only by Haiti) you will not find a more warm, loving and inviting people in all the world. I am constantly amazed at how quick Nicaraguans are to invite me, a complete stranger, into their home. These amazing, beautiful people, who often have nothing more than a hammock and a tv in their small, one room home, want to share what they have with me. A North American, who knows only about 5 spanish words! But perhaps what I love most about the people of Nicaragua is not their willingness to open up their home, but their desire, their hunger, to hear the Gospel. When I introduce myself, they are not only ready to invite me in and hear what I have to say, they call their entire family, and maybe even some neighbors, to hear as well!! They drop everything they are doing, pull up a chair, and listen with an intensity that you often do not see in even the most vibrant and lively churches here in the States. They are thirsting for something to put their hope in, something to cling to. Because believe me, many of these people will never see prosperity this side of heaven. Many will never have fine clothes, or a nice house, some will never have good health, or even a hot meal. They don't place their trust in the things of this world, because they don't have the things of this world! They know that what they need is the saving power of Jesus Christ, and they are dying for someone to tell them how to get it! Once word gets around that the North Americans are there (it doesn't take long) it is not surprising to have people chase you down the street and beg you to tell them about Jesus.
When is the last time you saw that in your backyard?
It is such a reality check whenever I am blessed to have the opportunity to visit or serve in Nicaragua. I get a chance to re-evaluate my life and my priorities. I am constantly reminded of all the stuff that we have here. Stuff that we don't even need, yet feel is so essential. I am continually in awe of the beauty of God's creation, and privileged to be able to explore His beautiful land. But most of all, I am humbled. Humbled by the generosity of the people, humbled by the way so many are forced to live, and finally, humbled by the fact that for some reason, God chose to give me the opportunity to share His love with so many. That God chooses to use me in mighty ways to further His kingdom. That God would use my weaknesses to show His power and His strength to a lost and dying world. It is something I just cannot comprehend.
Well, I could go on and on about my adventures in Nicaragua, and I have so many fun stories to tell, but they will have to wait for another day. For now, just know that Nicaragua, with its beautiful landscapes and wonderful people, is where my heart is.

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