Today, the very last day of October, I would like to show my appreciation for the staff members at our church and let you know what great men we have serving, because I care so much about them and appreciate the hard work that they do so very very much. You see, October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and I believe that pastor includes all the men on staff, not just the teaching or preaching guys. Now, I know I am a little behind, considering today is the very last day of October, but hey, better late than never, right? :)
Ok here goes:
R- Minister of Education and Evangelism (...and Church Administration and...pretty much anything else that gets thrown at him). R is one of the most hard-working men that I know. He puts in so much energy and so many hours, I seriously do not know how he does it! But I do know that our church would not function nearly as well without him! He and his family have been such a great support and encouragement for us, I can't even truly express what a joy it is to not only know them and serve alongside them, but to call them friends.
W- Children's Minister. It is truly a joy to see W work with our children. He has a gift and passion for reaching kids that is such a pleasure to watch. He works incredibly hard to keep all aspects of our children's ministry not only effective and fun, but safe as well. I also love that he is always open to new ideas and constantly working to improve how things are done, never being satisfied with the status quo. All the kids love him, and that definitely includes my daughter! Sometimes, I swear she is more excited to see him than her own mother or father! haha!
N- Youth Minister. Although N has only been at our church a short time, I can tell that he is working very hard to reach our youth and ignite a passion in them. Youth ministry is always a tough job, but ours has been through quite a bit over the past few months, and so it has been a challenge for him, to say the least. But he continues to press on, and never compromises. I've recently begun helping with the youth some myself, and look forward to getting to know him even better.
J- Music Minister. Ok, I know maybe I am a little bit biased considering J is my husband, but I'm just gonna come out and say it: He is the BEST music minister I know. He loves music, loves worshiping our Creator, and loves to have fun at the same time. He works so hard to sing a variety of songs and not let things get boring, but most importantly makes sure that whatever we do, we do to worship and honor God. I cannot even tell you how much I admire not only the work that he does, but the heart he puts into it.
Each of these men does so much more than what I have touched on here. I mean, I could really go on and on, but I will just say this: They work each and everyday, doing whatever needs to be done, to serve both the people in our own small congregation, as well as the people in our entire community. And they always do so with an honest, humble, servant's heart. I appreciate each of them more than I can even express in words, and our family has been uniquely blessed by each and every one of them. Thank you so very much for all the hard work that you do.
If you have not taken the time lately, please spend some time this week letting your pastors know just how much you appreciate all their hard work, most of which you probably do not even see. It will mean so much to them!

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