This week, Lynnette Kraft at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground is hosting the Harvest of Friends Blog Party! If you would like to participate, create a post introducing yourself, link to the party via her blog, and then go explore other fun blogs and make some new blogging buddies!! It's going to be a great time! (p.s. Feel free to use all, some or none of the 20 questions below to help us get to know you a little better!)
So, I guess I will introduce myself now. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and try my best to live a life that honors Him. I am married to my high school sweetheart who is the Music Minister at our church. We have one beautiful baby girl, and are now expecting baby number 2, a little boy. We are still trying to finalize his name, but once we do we don't tell anyone because we like for something to be a surprise, which drives all our friends CRAZY. :) We also have a slightly neurotic cat who thinks he's a dog, and keeps us pretty entertained.
I went to school at the BEST school in the country, James Madison University, and received a degree in Mathematics and Teaching. I then spent one whole semester teaching high school before going on maternity leave and staying home with my baby. I am contemplating going back, but change my mind every other day. While at JMU, I marched with the award-winning Marching Royal Dukes, because, yes, I am a band geek, and I'm not afraid to admit it!
I suppose I could go on and on about myself, but for now I'll leave it at that and answer some of these fun and silly questions:
1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging? Honestly I don't usually eat while on the computer, but if I am snacking, it is probably a bag of chips.
2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without? Ok, I'm going to cheat a little and say two things- my family and my bible.
3. Beach, Mountains or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice? BEACH- I'm from the beach (in Virginia) and miss it terribly. I also miss the beautiful beaches of Nicaragua.
Morgan's Rock, where we spent our honeymoon
4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty? Cleaning the bathroom...
5. Who do people say you remind them of? I used to hear Katie Holmes a lot...although I have to say I do not see a resemblance at all.
6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying at home with the fam? 99% of the time I would rather just spend time with my family. I'm not usually a social butterfly.
7. What's your all time favorite movie? Wow, I have a lot of favorites, but one of them is definitely Gone With the Wind.
8. Do you sleep in your make up or remove it like a good girl every night? Well, being a Mary Kay consultant, I better say I always remove it :) (But honestly, I am 6 months pregnant and tired all the time...so every once in a while, I sleep in my makeup...)
9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it? I definitely do not have any hidden talents, but I do own a guitar that I would LOVE to be able to play one day!!
10. What's one strange thing you're really good at? Again, no hidden talents...but I am good at math, which is probably strange to some people!
11. What first attracted you to your spouse? How different he was from all the other guys I knew. He was passionate about what he believed, and I really admired that.
12. What is something you love to smell? My husband's shaving cream or hair gel.
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people. Hmm...I can't think of anything right now...I'll ask my husband, I'm sure he can name some things! haha
14. When you have extra money (HA!) what's the first thing you think to do with it? My first instinct would be to buy something for my daughter, or for our house, but then I know the responsible thing to do is to use it to pay off debt.
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest? I think I am only a loud laugher when something is really really funny. Like an episode of the Office or Psych
16. Where is your favorite place to shop? Target.
17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time? Go on walks with my family.
18. Are you a big spender or frugal? Definitely frugal.
19. Who is your favorite character of all time (from a movie or book)? (Can't be real) The main character in the book "The Measure of a Lady," by DeeAnne Gist (Can't remember her name right now). I can relate to her a lot.
20. Would you want to be famous? As a Christian, I would like to have that kind of influence to be able to reach more people, but that would be a lot of responsibility and I'm not really sure I could handle it.
Hope you will join in the party as well!

Hi Bethany,
ReplyDeleteSo nice to meet you! I really enjoyed getting to know you. I was in the band thoughout grammar school and high school. Loved it also!
We choose the same favorite movie.
I'll be back♥
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! Very exciting about the bun in the oven! I have a 4 month old sweeeeeet baby girl, and we're THINKING about STARTING to TRY again sometime in the next few months...MAYBE. lol. I'm hoping for a little boy the next time around.... :)
again, nice to meet you! I'll visit again!
I enjoyed meeting you at the Blog Party! When I opened your blog, your "About Me" instantly drew me in! Be blessed!
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is so cute!!! Loved reading the Q&A.
ReplyDeleteGood to meet you Bethany! Haha!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe should SO learn the guitar together!!!!! I did like learning these things about you, and might hold some of the answers against you! ;)