While it may seem easy to say, the truth is, each and everyone of these babies was created and planned by God. I don't know why they had to go to be with Him in heaven before their mommies and daddies got to meet them here on this earth, but I do know that God is sovereign and in control. He has a reason and a purpose for taking them away so soon, and whatever is was, it was for His glory. I pray that through each and every loss, as unbearably painful as they had to be, my friends were able to draw closer to God and rely on His strength, and experience His love and peace in a way they have never known before.
"The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart," Jeremiah 1:5a
God knew these babies. He created them. He loved them. And in the midst of all the hurt and pain of loss, is God's amazing and perfect plan. Today, as I remember and pray for all the babies who we have not yet been able to meet, and each of my dear friends who has had to go through such a difficult time, I cling to this promise. Through all the tears I remind myself of the loving and perfect God that we serve, and His plan that is perfect, even if I do not understand.

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