Anyway, I know I'm a little late (I've been slightly preoccupied this week, what with babies being born and all), but last weekend we had our annual Fall Festival at church, as I'm sure many of you had as well, or at least attended. It was tons of fun: We played games, gave out prizes, and I ate way too much candy (don't tell my doctor). Oh, and my daughter dressed up like a giraffe. Pretty much the cutest giraffe there ever was.
It reminded me of her first trip to the zoo when she took pictures with the giraffes (kind of) for her Gammie (giraffes are her favorite animals). She was so small then...
I'm pretty sure that's when she decided she wanted to be a giraffe for Halloween. Or something like that. Anyway, a giraffe she was, and might I say, the cutest giraffe there ever was.

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