This thanksgiving, I have two, yes two, children celebrating their very first Thanksgiving (and no, they are NOT twins). Even though I realized this about a week and a half ago, this little fact still kind of blows my mind. Just a year ago, I had no children. And now I have two.
And although a part of me wants to (and sometimes does...) whine and complain and cry about the fact that it's not fair that we don't get to spend this momentous occasion as a family, or that my two week old son has to spend his first Thanksgiving in intensive care, or that my daughter can't even visit her new brother (and in fact, does not even know that she has a brother), or that we are spending yet another holiday in the hospital, or that I never get any sleep, I am not going to. Because instead of thinking of all the things about this situation that are frustrating, or "unfair," or hurtful, I choose to be thankful. I WILL give thanks to the LORD, because we are so unbelievably blessed.
Just a year ago, I had no children. And now I have two. Two beautiful, amazing, strong children. Thank you, Lord, for such wonderful gifts!
Want to know what else I have to be thankful for? Well, let me tell you...
I am thankful for my amazing, STRONG, Godly husband, who puts up with so much from me!
I am thankful for a wonderful church family, who has been a tremendous support and blessing.
I am thankful for friends and family who are willing to take care of my daughter while I spend time at the hospital.
I am thankful that my son is finally gaining weight (3 lb. 2.5 oz!).
I am thankful that my son is at the best Children's hospital in the metroplex, receiving the very best care.
I am thankful for friends who have so graciously invited us to share in their Thanksgiving dinner.
I am thankful that my recovery was quick and relatively painless, so that I am able to spend all the time I need at the hospital.
I am thankful for all the wonderful people who are following along with us on this journey (both those I know personally, and those I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting), and share their encouragement and prayers.
I am thankful that my baby has not needed a ventilator to breathe.
I am thankful for other mothers who have so kindly shared their stories and experiences with me.
I am thankful that I live close enough to the hospital to be able to drive back and forth as I need to.
But, most of all, I am thankful for the truly amazing, and undeserved grace and mercy of my Savior, that I might have the hope and assurance of an eternity in Heaven with Him.
I am praying that you have that assurance as well, and have a wonderfully blessed and thankful Thanksgiving.
"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done." Psalm 105:1

Found your blog today. loved your list of things to be thankful for! You have an adorable little girl and a precious little baby boy! HOpe he gets to join you at home very soon! May God abundantly bless your little family!