So we went to the doctor. And found out that the culprit was a nasty ear infection.
It's so sad to see her sick. She's not herself at all. But I have to say, although she has been a little more tired and fussy than usual, she has not been nearly as cranky as I would expect from an infant with an ear infection. And she is still sleeping well, and for that, we are very thankful! So, she's been chugging antibiotics (and by chugging, I mean taking the appropriate dosage, as prescribed by the doctor), and will hopefully be all better soon!
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When I haven't been visiting one baby at the hospital, or taking care of a sick baby at home, I have been doing Calculus. Yes, I do enjoy math, and have a math degree, but no, I do not normally work out calculus problems in my spare time. I have a friend who is having a very tough senior year of high school (due to health issues), and has missed pretty much the entire semester of calculus. Now, I don't know about you, but as much as I like math, I cannot teach it to myself! So, in an effort to try and help her learn/understand at least some of it, we worked on some problems together yesterday.
Well, this was great, but I have not done this stuff since my junior year of high school. So, needless to say, I needed a little refresher! I kept her book for the night, and offered to read through the chapter and work out some problems so I would actually know what I was talking about when I explained it to her. That's just the teacher in me, I guess.
It was a lot of work, but I'm not gonna lie, I really enjoyed it. I plugged my headphones into the computer, watched episodes of Glee, worked out problems, and drank cherry coke. It has been a long time since I have worked out math that challenging, and I forgot how much I love figuring it out, and getting problems right! I have such a sense of accomplishment when my answer matches the back of the book. Yes, I am a nerd. But, oh well. It was a great workout for my brain! HAHA!
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My little man is doing well. It has been very slow going this week, but it seems to be working well for him. We started over, taking his CPAP off for only an hour at a time, three times a day. Then his doctor increased that to two hours at a time, three times a day. Then four. Then, today, he was put on six hour sprints, meaning six hours off, then six hours on, six hours off, etc. He is doing great with this so far! Hopefully, when it comes off completely this time, it will be off for good.
We also (finally) got the report from the eye doctor. As usual, it could be better, but is not the worst. He has a grade one retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). This is something that only preemies develop, and grade one is the least severe (four being the most severe). Basically, he is at an increased risk for needing glasses, so long as his ROP does not get worse. But my eyes are terrible, I mean, I'm practically legally blind. So I think it's safe to assume that he was at risk for needing glasses before he was born. Then, he was born premature. That increases his risk of needing glasses. Now, he has a grade one retinopathy, so his risk is increased again.
So he's at risk times three, and it will truly be a miracle if this kid has no eye problems, and does not need glasses. Right now, I am just praying that glasses are the only consequence of all this, and nothing more serious. I would hate for him to need eye surgery, or have more severe complications, other than simply needing glasses.
Other than that, he is still growing!! He is now weighing in at 4 pounds, 13 ounces, and filling out his preemie clothes much better. Can't wait to see how big he is when he finally comes home!

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