Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Truckin' Along

My strong little man is hangin' in there.  He's working hard, and although he's still on the CPAP (with the pressure lowered), he's staying stable.  When the doctor came by this morning, he decided to try taking him off again very very slowly.  So today, we were able to take all the paraphernalia off for one entire hour.  Just one.  During the whole day.

But that's ok! Because he did fantastic, AND I got to hold him and look at his sweet face WITHOUT THE CPAP.  And for the first 15 minutes or so, he was awake and alert and looking right at me.  It was so wonderful, I cried.  When he is doing as well as he was in my arms, it is even harder to accept that I still can't take him home with me.  But I know he is right where he needs to be, and getting excellent care.  I have no doubt that when he finally comes home, he will be BIG and strong!

Because they want to move slowly and not change too much at once, he is still on continuous feedings (instead of every three hours).  But he is gaining weight, and is now 4 lbs. 1 oz. 

There is still no significant change with the hemorrhage in his head, but at this point the doctor is not concerned.  It has not gotten any worse (only a grade 1 on the left side), so they are just waiting for it to clear up on its own.  He is going to do an MRI before he goes home to get a better picture, and see if it has (hopefully!) cleared up yet.         

And still no update on his eyes, because the eye doctor has yet to come.  Maybe we will know tomorrow.  Other than that, my baby boy is just growing and maturing! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates. I have to share with you that when I first started reading I thought you were saying crap rather than CPAP! I was thinking, "I'm so surprised she's saying that!" And then I read it again and saw what it really was! :-) Thought that might make you laugh and I'm sure you need some laughs right now.
