Well, my little boy is making progress, one tiny
baby step at a time. He is still only getting a bottle three times a day, but he's doing really well. Today, he drank his entire bottle at 8 o'clock and 2 o'clock. What is really
amazing about that, is that they have taken him off his nasal cannula again. I am trying not to get too excited about his being off oxygen, because they have tried soooo many times (and after a day or so, it ends up back on), but this time he really seems to be doing well. So far, he has been off for almost 48 hours, and has done pretty well with his three bottles a day. I'm hopeful that he is finally off it for good! (
I'm also hopeful that tomorrow I will remember my camera and can take some pictures without the cannula!)
He is also gaining weight like crazy, and is now 7 pounds, 1 ounce. He has already outgrown his preemie diapers, and he will probably outgrow his preemie clothes before he goes home (if he hasn't already). I just can't get over how big he is! Tonight his nurse went on and on about how much he's grown (she hasn't seen him since Christmas) and what a cute, sweet baby he is. I love hearing things like that, haha!
He is scheduled for his next echocardiogram on Monday, to look at his heart and see if any of the holes have closed or gotten any smaller. I am praying
everyday that his PDA is closed, so that hopefully he will not need heart surgery. We should have results on Tuesday, so I will keep you posted! Thank you for your prayers as well!!