Monday, January 11, 2010

Two Months

My baby is two months old today!

Two months old, and the size of a full term baby.  He is now up to 6 pounds, 12 ounces.  It's funny how perspectives can change.  When my daughter was born, she weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and seemed so incredibly tiny.  Now, I look at my son and marvel at how big he is!

He looks so beautiful and perfect.  It breaks my heart knowing that he is still struggling.  He has to work so hard to breathe.  I know that one day this will all be behind us, and will seem like such a quick blink in time, but right now, it feels like the longest two months of my life.

But we will get through this.  He will get though this.  And I know he will be unbelievably strong.  One day.

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