Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What A Day...

This morning, the doctors decided to try to take out the ventilator.  At first my baby was doing well, and they believed he did not need oxygen.  After about 20 minutes, however, the nurse noticed he was struggling with stridor, a sort of gasping for breath, choking noise.  This was caused from inflammation in his airway because of irritation from the breathing tube.  The doctor tried twice to give him recemic epi to get the swelling down and allow him to breathe, but that did not work.  Then she tried him on a CPAP to help provide oxygen and flow through his airway, but he was on 100% oxygen and still in distress.  So, ultimately, she had to re-intubate him. 

It is so frustrating to know that all of this was caused by the ventilator, but the only solution was the ventilator. 

So instead of breathing room air, and starting to work on bottle-feeding again, he is still on the ventilator.  He is now getting a steroid medication to try and (hopefully) get the swelling down so we can try again tomorrow.  Unfortunately, there is no way to know if it has gotten better until they try to extubate him again.  Please be praying that this will do the trick, and that he will not go through this again tomorrow.  He hates that breathing tube so much, and will be so much more comfortable when he can breathe without it!

Thanks friends,

1 comment:

  1. Wow i am sad to hear about this and i know that he is a fighter and that he is God's fighter , His stregth is through the love of the Lord and you and Josh , We are praying for him
