1. My son's renal ultrasound was all clear and everything was normal-kidneys, bladder, etc. So there are no abnormalities, or blockage or kidney stones.
2. Although it is still unclear what is causing the high blood pressure, he is now on a new medication which, so far, is keeping it down and consistent.
3. Yesterday, every time my son took a bottle (three times) he drank the ENTIRE thing. This is the first time he has done this in a 24 hour period.
4. Tomorrow, the doctor is going to let him try (finally!) to drink a bottle four times and see how he does. Hopefully he will show them he really likes to eat!
Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten the video of my daughter walking loaded on my computer yet. But I promise to try sometime soon! What I do have, is a picture of my sweet, sweet boy in a swing at the hospital.

So glad to hear the wonderful news! Keep it coming!