Well, friends, I hesitate to even say this, because things could change in an instant, but I believe we can finally see a light at the end of this long long tunnel.
For the past few days, my son has been drinking six bottles out of his eight feedings, and almost every time he gulps the whole thing down. I have a feeling in the next day or two they will let him drink a bottle at every feeding and see how he does. They need to make sure he can drink the whole thing (over two ounces) each time, and all the while still gain weight. They don't want him expending so much energy eating that he is burning more calories than he is taking in.
In addition to that, they are still trying to get his blood pressure under control. We were optimistic at first, because the new medication he was on seemed to be working, but since then, it has continued to be high. They have slowly increased the dosage, and we are hoping they will soon find the magic number to keep it steady and where it needs to be.
And then?
THEN, he gets to come home.
THEN, he gets to meet his sister for the first time.
THEN, life can get back to some semblance of "normal."
THEN, we can begin to figure out life with two small children, 11 months apart.
It's going to be amazing. I don't think I will ever again complain of a fussy baby. Or a baby who doesn't sleep through the night. Or a baby who dirty's a diaper 30 seconds after I put it on. No, because at least they will be home, with me, where they belong.
And I absolutely can't wait.

This is great news! I am rejoicing with you and praying that day will come quickly! Blessings!