And even though he is still in the hospital, I am so thankful that he is doing so incredibly well. There are a million things that could have been worse, and I always try to keep things in perspective. And although he is not quite where a full-term three month old would be developmentally, he is big and strong, and will catch up in no time.
Thank you so much for your prayers. We are praying everyday that his blood pressure will go down so that he can come home!

Bethany, this little man is sooooo beautiful. I know you don't want anyone to have to go through this torture of watching your baby remain in the hospital for the first months of his life...but I'm jealous. Amazing husband, angels for children, home, family, friends. I can't wait for that boy to go home with you. I look at the blog every day to see if maybe, overnight something finally worked and he went home. He's in a great place, but belongs at home. Stay strong, you're on the home stretch.
I absolutely love him. I am so very thankful he is doing well also. I know these last three months have been long and hard at times, but isn't God so very good! Looking forward to the day I read the post that says, "We're coming home"!