After a horribly long winter, with a ridiculously inordinate amount of snow, it is finally, FINALLY warm and beautiful outside...
My son is home with us and adjusting wonderfully...
I have amazingly good friends, who are so fun to be with, love my kids like their own, and make me laugh...
But mostly, right now I feel like the long months spent in the hospital and uncertainty are behind us and quickly becoming a distant memory. I am starting to realize the magnitude of what God has brought us through, and I am so thankful, and continue to be amazed. Even though I knew God would bring us through it and I was (and still am) trusting in His plan, to look back now, now that it's over, I still can't help but stand in complete awe.
As we start to move past the last few months, however, and begin to move on with our lives, I am reminded of two things. First, life will not always be good. Yes, we got through a hard season of life, and things are great now, but things are going to get hard again. It's just a fact of life. It's not always fabulous and happy, and certainly not always easy. Solomon speaks to this in the book of Ecclesiastes:
"When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, a man cannot discover
anything about his future."
but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, a man cannot discover
anything about his future."
Ecclesiastes 7:14
Right now, I feel like all is right with the world. But when things get turned upside down (and they will), I will be a stronger woman, ready to face whatever comes.

Your son is so precious! And it's so true that we must always remember those season that God has brought us to so that we can continue to have a thankful, grateful heart and the strength to move forward. Sometimes, looking back, gives us that boost to move forward. And these seasons in our lives actually do make us stronger and you may have the opportunity to walk someone through a similar season. Blessings!