When she was just a small baby, she loved to sit quietly and watch all the people, especially babies, around her. As she got older, she began to pay more attention to the loud, slightly flamboyant, joyful woman who reads the stories with a great deal of passion and excitement. Now that she is getting to be a very active, curious, mobile toddler, sitting still and quiet in my lap for fifteen minutes straight is quite a feat. I often have to let her munch on cheerios while we listen to the poems and stories, finally letting her loose when it's playtime.
After precisely fifteen minutes of stories (and sometimes songs), the leader gets out a whole host of toys, books and beach balls, and lets the babies "play together." In the past, my daughter would never leave my side during this time. Even once she was able to crawl, she was timid, and simply watched everything going on around her. And now? Now it takes everything in me to keep her in my lap until it's time to play. THEN, she has an absolute blast. She walks (or runs) all around the room, chases beach balls, watches other kids and explores her world. Today, she even walked up to another mom and had a seat in her lap!
It is so much fun to watch her as she carries around beach balls that are bigger than her, learns to share with other kids (we're still working on that one, haha!) and becomes more active and social.
I'm so very proud of her, each and everyday!!

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