This past Sunday, in addition to being Mother's Day, was baby dedication at our church. So as a family, we were able to commit ourselves to doing our best to raise our son to know and love the Lord. It is always special to share our commitment with our church family, but this baby dedication was especially meaningful for me, because we were able to share it with some wonderful friends. Even though my pregnancy was cut short, I was able to enjoy it with three other pregnant friends and Sunday, we all dedicated our babies together. I wish I had a photo of everybody together, but just use your imagination and picture two beautiful, sweet girls, and two incredibly handsome little boys. All of whom were very well behaved. Well, except my son. He cried almost the whole time. But other than that, they were all very well behaved.
Just look at that adorable face. It's so hard to picture the tiny, struggling, premature newborn he used to be. But everyday, those struggles are further and further in the past, and I am so thankful for the precious little boy he has become!

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