Friday, June 18, 2010

Baby #3!

So far, baby number three is as healthy as can be!  I was SO thrilled to finally get a peek at this sweet sweet baby, and so excited that I can share a picture with you!  Too bad we can't tell who this baby looks like yet, haha! :)

Any thoughts as to whether it's a boy or a girl??  I can't wait to find out for sure! :)


  1. Yeah! So excited to hear that everything is going well for you and "bundle of joy #3". Hope you are feeling well.
    Happy Friday

  2. Oh how fun! Glad things are going well. Are you going to find out what you are having?

  3. Yes! We definitely want to find out what it is...we're not patient enough to wait and be surprised, haha! I'm hoping we will know in about 4 weeks!!
