Anyway, so far, I am feeling great. I'm actually feeling better than I did when I carried my son, so hopefully that is a good sign. I am still getting weekly progesterone shots, which are rather unpleasant and leave me surprisingly sore, but if it helps keep this baby where she belongs, then it's worth it. I am also continuing to see the specialist, and as of right now, everything looks exactly the way it is supposed to. I tend to get a little anxious before I go, because I am so afraid they are going to see something wrong, or start to see signs of pre-term labor, but so far, things are good. So I am taking it one day at a time, and trusting in God's timing for our little one, whatever that may be.
I also have an unbelievable amount of ultrasound pictures of this precious girl, which I LOVE, but also makes me feel a little guilty, because I am so lacking in pictures of my other two! Oh well, I guess that can't be helped. But even though it's not my fault, I feel like it's "not fair." I guess that's just life, haha! I will add the picture later, but today we watched as she tapped herself in the head with her toes, completely folded in half. It was SO cute!! We could see her toes wiggling and everything!
Here's the picture!
Her head is to the right, and you can see her leg stretched above her body and her foot touching her forehead. I guess that's a comfortable position for her, ha!
Well, that's all the update for now. Please continue praying friends!! :)

Sounds like you and baby girl are doing great. Praying for a full-term pregnancy with no complications and a healthy bundle of joy!