This is big news, because it has been the topic of much debate around here lately. Originally, my gut instinct was that it was a girl. (For the record, my instinct with my son was that he was a boy). Then I took a test from the drug store that is supposed to tell you the sex with 85-90% accuracy, and the test said we were having a boy. Then last week we took a peek at the baby on an ultrasound, but because it was not a super high-tech machine, it was not exactly clear what we were looking at. After the peek, however, my husband was convinced it was a boy. My doctor was guessing girl.
Now, either way would have been perfectly fine to us. We already have a girl, and we already have a boy, so of course, we are just praying for a healthy, full-term baby.
But after visiting a high-risk pregnancy specialist, and looking at our baby with a very nice, in depth ultrasound on a 46-inch flat screen television (yes, it was somehow projected onto a mounted television, making our baby look huge and up-close), the nurse and the doctor agreed.
Our third baby is a precious little baby girl!
She looked perfectly healthy, was measuring right on track for her due date, had a strong heart beat and weighed in at a tiny 6 ounces. As for me, I am doing well so far too, and I have not had any complications. I will be going to see the specialist once a week for the next few weeks to make sure nothing is changing, and I will also begin to receive weekly progesterone shots, which is supposed to help prolong pregnancy in women at risk for pre-term labor. Although, I could not tell you why that is, or if it really even helps or not. It's a little inconclusive, but it can't hurt!
Anyway, I would just like to say AGAIN, that I was right all along, and I am now 2-0, while the gender test is 0-2 (it said my son was a girl). :)
Now all we need is a name. Any suggestions???

I think that you should name it after and grandmother or great grandmother
ReplyDeleteI had to take progesterone suppositories (I think I would have rather had shots for the first 4 months of 3 or my 4 pregnancies. I don't know if it helped or not except to say it did raise my levels and they were all full term babies so I don't know if that was the reason but I always felt better about having it.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that it is a girl and that everything is going well-after this a boy and you will have our family! I love having two of each-I feel like I got good use out of both my boy and girl things.
How fun! I will be praying that everything continues to go smoothly for you this time. How is you little boy doing? Is he still having to take his blood pressure meds?
As for names-we are partial to Alyssa and Analeigh (I love Analeigh cause I never hear it-only down side is you also don't find it on things-but I have a machine that monograms so that works!)
We liked Paige and Brooke too but we didn't use those.
God is good.
Congratulations! No ideas for names right now, but if I think of any, I will let you know!