Of course it is difficult to say goodbye, something this church has had to do a lot here lately, unfortunately, and so there are a lot of people who are sad that we are going. There are lots of questions, mostly to the effect of, why now, and where will you go from here? But one question caught me a little off guard. An incredibly sweet and compassionate woman in our congregation looked at me and said, "Are you ready for this?"
Hmm. Am I ready for the huge change that's coming? Is it even possible to be ready when you don't completely know what lies ahead? I'll be honest, I didn't really know how to answer. Yes, I am confident that this is the right decision, and yes, I can explain why we need to leave. But am I ready?
Was I ready to leave everything I had ever known to pick up and move to this great state of Texas, which was completely devoid of anything or anyone familiar? Absolutely not.
Was I ready to be pregnant with our first child, a mere 11 months after my husband and I were married? Definitely not.
Was I ready to give birth at only 28 weeks, and subsequently face three months of driving back and forth to the hospital to visit my son, after what had seemed like a perfectly normal and healthy pregnancy? Of course not!
And after everything we went through with my son, all the heartache and struggles and questions, was I ready to be pregnant yet again? Not even close.
But I would not change a single one of those decisions or circumstances. God has never failed to carry us through any trial we have faced. And God has never failed to provide for every single need, and every single child. Are we facing a little uncertainty? Yes. But we are fully trusting in the Lord's direction and excited about what the future holds. We are excited to take a break from ministry, and we are excited to have the opportunity to find a church together, and mostly we are excited to be able to worship together. I think this will be a great time to pray together and seek the Lord's guidance about where He would have us next. We are in no hurry. We are settled here, have a baby to keep inside and hopefully give birth to in late November (or early December), and a son who is still seeing several doctors here.
And so, here we go. Are we ready for this? Probably not. But we're jumping in head first nonetheless! And of course, we definitely covet your prayers during our time of uncertainty and transition. :)

I will be praying for your family. You are leaning on and trusting your Heavenly Father, so He will prepare the way before you and so when the time comes, yes, I believe you will be ready. For now, take care of those precious babes of yours! Blessings!