Sunday, August 22, 2010

One Handsome Boy

Is he one handsome boy, or what??!


  1. So cute-changing so much and getting so big so fast-where has the time gone?
    Look at that red hair too. Where does he get that from? My Alyssa was a strawberry blonde for a bit when she was little but then it just went to a dirty blonde.
    He is really precious.
    How are you doing? Feeling ok?
    Praying you are doing well-how far along are you now?
    Have a great night.

  2. Every time I see this handsome boy, I remember all that God has done for him and for you! He's absolutely precious!

  3. He actually gets that hair from his daddy, but you wouldn't know it, because his is much darker now. I hope my baby keeps that hair though, because I love it!! ;)
