This is the day that I so very suddenly and unexpectedly went into labor, and consequently gave birth to my son.
I don't think I have to explain what an unbelievable roller coaster of emotion I am right now.
At this point in my last pregnancy I was sitting in a daze in the children's hospital, listening to countless explanations of what was happening from various doctors and nurses, and trying desperately to comprehend.
I haven't really let myself think about it much, but back in the far reaches of my mind there has always been that nagging fear that I would not make it to this point this go round. That this sweet girl inside me would join us even earlier, and that we would once again face what no parent ever wants to see: their tiny baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Obviously, I am still pretty far from a full term, healthy baby. But today, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, because I have made it over the biggest hurdle for me personally and emotionally. And with all the emotions I've experienced in the past 24 hours, the biggest is thanksgiving! In the past, being pregnant and staying pregnant were things that I completely took for granted, but now I am able to remain thankful every single day that I wake up and am still carrying this sweet girl in my belly.
AND, everything is right on track and still going great, and so I feel even MORE confident now that I will carry her to the end. This past Friday I saw the specialist for the LAST TIME (assuming nothing major happens between now and delivery), and everything still looked good. I also had another fetal fibronectin test and it was negative, meaning I will not be going into labor for the next two weeks! So at 30 weeks I will do the test again, and we'll go from there. :)
So for now, I am resting and trying to stay healthy. And because I promised some belly shots to my friend, I have a couple pictures to share with you. If I seem tiny to be heading into my third trimester, trust me, it's just the camera. And if I seem inordinately large to be a mere 28 weeks, trust me, it's just the camera!! ;)

wow...I would probably have those same feelings about being at the exact same time you had your son. I pray for a safe delivery. I had my first son at 36 weeks...which is obviously not even really a premie...but we were so unprepared! I hope you're feeling good! I am following you now from Mckmama's blogfrog. You're welcome to stop by my blog anytime and join in my blogfrog community if you'd like! We're a small group but friendly :-) Blessings! Kimberly