The amazing sponsors of this event are Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances.
So onto my post for today. As I was sifting through some of my early posts, I found something I wrote well over a year ago. And in reading it, I realized just HOW MUCH I needed to hear it again. So maybe I am re-posting it more for my benefit than for anything else. Life is pretty stressful for me right now, and I need to remember to be anxious for nothing. But in the busyness of life, I'm sure there are many of you out there who could use this reminder as well. :) Hope you enjoy!
Original post from June 2009 (altered slightly):
We have been through some trying circumstances in recent weeks. I'm not going to get into the details, but I'm sure you can guess. Leaving our church, a new job, my pregnancy, our finances, it all adds up. And while I absolutely believe in a loving, sovereign God, I am human. So let's face it, I worry! And how do I typically handle said worry? By bottling it up inside, sifting through all the what-if's, listing every stress and trouble to my friends, and wallowing. But what does God intend for me to do with such worries?
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ." Philippians 4:6-7First of all, notice that Paul clearly states that we are to be anxious for, what now? Work? Family? Illness? Finances? No. "Be anxious for NOTHING." There are no exceptions. No loopholes. This is not a friendly suggestion to help you live your best life now; this is a command of God. As His child, He expects me to be anxious for nothing. Period. He's the one in charge, not me, so what do I have to be worried about anyway?
Right now you may be thinking, ok, easier said than done! True. That is why Paul explains how exactly to go about this. "In everything," every single burden, stress, and concern, big or small, "by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Tell God what you're worried about! Tell Him your frustrations, your desires, your hurts, your struggles. Get some things off your chest-don't worry, He can handle it! Also notice that yes, he says by prayer and supplication, but then also says "with thanksgiving." You may have a lot of concerns that need to be made known to God, and you may have a lot of needs that need to be met, but you are to come before God with a humble spirit. Come before God thanking Him for what He has already accomplished in your life. Thanking Him for your current circumstances, that you might learn and grow. Thanking Him for Jesus Christ and His work on the cross! Trust me, we have much more to be thankful for than we EVER realize or acknowledge! (Or is that just me??) So then, after we have spent this time in prayer before the Lord, then what?
And then, friends, all worry and anxiety are replaced with peace. The peace of God that will guard our hearts and minds from the burdens and stresses of this world. A peace so marvelous that we can't even comprehend it. Isn't that an amazing promise? Who wouldn't love to discard their worry in exchange for peace? So spend some time in prayer today, thanking God, and setting all your worries aside.

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