So I'm realizing that apparently, I had forgotten what this part is like. I had forgotten...
...not being able to make it through the night without having to get up AT LEAST once to go to the bathroom.
...not being able to fit certain places because of my protruding belly.
...the simple fact that a comfortable sleeping position does not exist anymore.
...that sometimes just drinking a glass of water gives me heartburn.
...not being able to make it through a t.v. show without having to get up to go to the bathroom.
...having to sit and stretch awkwardly to put my shoes and socks on.
...just how difficult it becomes to get myself up off the floor after playing with the kids.
...always being hot. Always.
...not being able to discern if I'm hungry or not because the baby is taking up so much room.
...sudden jabs to my rib cage when the baby decides to stretch out.
...having to "watch out" anytime I cough or laugh...or sneeze...
...sudden leg cramps anytime I sit funny, or bend my leg the wrong way.
But I have not forgotten the AMAZING, breathtaking moment when the baby is placed in your arms, and suddenly the past nine months and the long, difficult hours of labor are completely dismissed, and it is all so worth it.
I'm looking forward to treasuring that moment once again.

I so remember those days. But yes, the feeling of overwhelming joy when you finally get to hold your baby will cause you to soon forget all of this!