But it was a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving nonetheless!! We relaxed, watched the parade, and were blessed to have our incredibly generous friend share her Thanksgiving feast with us, so we didn't starve. :) I also had plenty of time to think about just how much I have to be thankful for this year, and boy, I don't even know where to start! But here goes:
1. An AMAZING husband who has been home helping with the babies more than I could ever ask for.
2. Three BEAUTIFUL children who spent the entire day with me.
3. Spending a nice, relaxing holiday all together as a family.
4. Spending today AT HOME, and not in the hospital!! (In the past two years, we have spent Christmas in the hospital twice, and Thanksgiving in the hospital once.)
5. So many loving and generous friends who have filled our home with delicious meals and baked goods for the past week.
6. Cozy evenings on the couch with my husband after my babies are (usually) in bed.
7. A sweet, good-natured baby girl who is happy and healthy.
8. Cell phones, facebook and skype, which allow me to stay in touch with friends and family who I was not able to spend the holiday with.
9. Truly amazing "blog" friends who are such a TREMENDOUS encouragement.
10. God's amazing, infinite love for me, even though I don't deserve it, and His amazing and perfect timing in all things.
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend, and a joyful and thankful Thanksgiving!!

Sounds like a beautiful day, and I loved your thankful list!