On November 17, 2009, I had a 5 day old son in intensive care because he was born prematurely with virtually no warning. So to say that this day (and actually the entire month of November, as it is Prematurity Awareness Month) is an important date in my calendar is a slight understatement.
I did not know how prevalent premature birth is, nor was I aware of any of the warning signs. I did not know how many people this affects in the U.S. each year. I did not know about what goes on in a neonatal ICU. I did not know that prematurity is the leading cause of death in newborns.
And so, today I want to help make you aware of the facts:
Every year in the U.S. 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely.
That's more than 1,400 babies everyday.
The rate of premature birth has risen 27% since 1981.
In up to 40% of premature births, the cause is unknown.
Because of these facts, the March of Dimes is committed to spreading awareness to expecting moms, and helping women learn how best to take care of themselves to prevent premature birth. Researchers are working to identify the causes, find new treatments to prevent or halt preterm labor, as well as making breakthroughs to improve the care of premature babies like my son.
So what can you do? Well, I'm glad you asked!
Today, in honor of my son and the tremendous fight he fought and how incredibly far he has come in the past year, you can make a donation to the March of Dimes. Your contribution will help fund research that is helping stop premature births, and helping to save babies lives.
Join the Fight for Preemies, and check out the the virtual wristband created to honor and celebrate my son, and see how you can donate in his name right here.
Thanks and if you have a baby close to you who was born prematurely, create a band of your own!!

My youngest son was born at 37 weeks and spent a few days in the NICU due to immature lungs. It was a scary time, yet I almost felt guilty because all of the other babies were so much sicker. I am thankful for the miracle of both of your babies!