As excited as we are to embark on our new adventure, the move is definitely bittersweet. We are settled here, we found a church we love, and we have friends here. But God is calling us to a wonderful, new ministry opportunity, and so off we go!
I know there may be some people who don't understand our move, or wonder why in the world we were here in Texas for such a short time, and so on and so on...but I really don't think I can say this enough. God's plan and His timing are perfect. And I know that even more clearly now than I did two years ago when we felt Him calling us to Texas. The past three months have been difficult, but it has been so clearly preparation for what's ahead, and I'm so thankful for God's wisdom in the direction of our life. We couldn't have planned it out any better ourselves if we tried!
And although our time in Texas has been brief, we have loved it here, and I know there are so many reasons that we have been here for this specific time in our lives. Most of which I probably will never know or understand while here on earth. But one thing is for sure. We were in Texas, in this specific location, during this specific time, to have our beautiful, amazing children. Being in the "big city," we have been incredibly blessed to have access to the very best health care. Considering everything my son has been through, and considering what a high risk pregnancy I had this last time around, we needed to be in a place where that kind of care was available. It's hard to believe that in the past two years I have given birth to three children, and I have sometimes wondered why God gave them to us so close together, but I have no doubt that part of the reason was so that they could be born in Texas.
But now? Now we are saying "Goodbye, Texas," and "Hello, New Mexico." That's right, this east coast girl is moving even further west. I will now be closer to California than to my home in Virginia. It's going to be a new experience, but I am sure we will grow to love our new home just as we have grown to love and appreciate the uniqueness of Texas. :) And for anyone who has ever been through a big move, I'm sure you can attest to the stress associated with selling your home, and packing everything in sight. Add taking care of three babies on top of that, and let's just say, we could use a few extra prayers! So thank you in advance, friends, your prayers are truly appreciated!

Bethany, I will definately be praying for your move. I cannot imagine preparing for it with three little ones at home. I am asking God for extra measures of strength and grace for both you and your husband. How excited to know that you are being carried in the palm of God's hand and that His timing is perfect. Can't wait to see what New Mexico holds for you!