I am always amused at the reactions and comments we get, either from friends, or the
"Wow, you must be one busy lady!" Yes, busy is one way to describe it!
"Oh my, you sure do have your hands full!" Yes, throughout the day, my hands are literally, quite full. Some days, you don't even want to know what they have been full of!
"Honey, I just don't know how you do it." Most days, I don't know either.
But somehow, with much too little sleep, and probably too much caffeine, we make it through the day. And yes, my daughter may have peanut butter and jelly in her hair, and a piece of chicken tender stored for later in her pull toy. And I may have skipped a shower (again) and have seventeen spit-up stains on my shirt. And my son may have gone to bed in the pajamas that he wore the entire day. But everyone got fed, and played with, and no one got hurt. So, all things considered, I would call that a success!
On those days, the trying, exhausting, why won't anybody listen to me, days, I am just thankful that we all made it through in one piece, and that at the end of the day, I have three beautiful babies, finally asleep.
But other days, everyone is calm. Baby girl sleeps and eats and coos all day. Bubba is happy and content, eats well, and takes two good naps. There are no terrible twos temper tantrums. Our "schedule" goes on without a hitch. Our time is spent just enjoying each other, and there is more laughing than crying.
These are the days that get me through all the other days. When I am reminded that things are not always as difficult as I sometimes make them out to be. When I realize that the challenging days are not really as long as they seem. And when I remember that they will not be this small forever, and I have to cherish each and every moment, even the moments when I want to pull my hair out.
I am not perfect, and this is not easy. But that is how I do it.

Even though I never had 3 children so small all at the same time, I do remember when my kids were young. Most days, I simply had to let most things go, constantly reminding myself what was really important. Yep, we moms, we are SUPERMOMS!