I had planned on decorating more hearts than we actually did, but my lil' punkin lost interest much sooner than I anticipated. Probably because I took away the glitter glue pens (yes, I gave glitter glue to a two year old). But it was fun nonetheless!
I was going to let Bubba make one too, but he really had no interest. At his age he is much more interested in eating the crayons. But that wasn't really an option. Oh well, maybe next year.
Along with our construction paper hearts, we looked at two scripture verses:
"Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7b
"A joyful heart makes a face cheerful." Proverbs 15:13a
God may be the only one who can truly see what lies in a person's heart, but isn't it so true that when someone has true JOY through Jesus Christ, it just absolutely shines through them? You can just see it in their face, and hear it in their voice, and they are a blessing to be around.
Everyday it is my prayer that my children will grow to know and love the Lord with ALL of their heart, and to know His grace, love, and mercy.

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