Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is It Monday Yet???

Typically, I am (as most do, I'm sure) counting the days 'til the weekend arrives, and I can spend time with my family, have help with the kids, etc.  Well, this weekend, it has been one thing after another and I am ready for it to be over!!  So please excuse me while I vent a little.  ; )

Friday was a pretty lazy day, and we tried to relax (it had been a long week), but we had a friend's birthday party to go to that night, so we spent the entire afternoon getting everything ready.  It was a pool party, so we had to dig through boxes to find all the "pool essentials," pack the diaper bag, and get us all dressed and ready to go.  We planned to leave early so we could run by Wal-Mart to get a card and gift, and arrive by 5:30.  Well, my husband took the older two and diaper bag and started loading the car, so I grabbed my purse and our Baby Doll and headed out after him at about 5:00.  I get to the car to discover that neither of us brought the keys.  So my poor husband spent the next 45 minutes attempting to break into our house, while I attempted to entertain three small children strapped into car seats (no small feat, I assure you).  When we finally realized there was absolutely no way in, we called the only lady who has a spare key.  Thankfully, she was already in her car on her way home, and stopped by and let us in.  I ran in the house and grabbed the keys (and a blank card, because there was no way we were making it to Wal-Mart at this point) and we were finally on our way to the party, with three cranky, screaming kids.

We arrived at the park (at 6:10), and began looking for the party-goers.  We saw an indoor pool, and assumed that was were we were supposed to be, but didn't see our friends' cars.  We quickly made a phone call and discovered that the party was actually SATURDAY night.  Really??!!  My poor lil punkin had been talking about going swimming ALL day!  So we headed home, and let them "swim" in the bathtub.

Fast forward to Saturday, and we have everyone ready and loaded again (a little more cautious about mentioning swimming, just in case), and arrive at the party.  We made it on the right day, on time, at the right location.  Score!  So we spent about an hour there (although there was still no swimming, because the water was only about 50 degrees!) and survived with only minor casualties (Pumpkin got knocked over by a kid in a tire swing, and Bubba fell and got a bloody nose).

When we got home, it was time for baths and bed, and once the kids were in bed, there was a pile of housework to do.  After such a long night, I forgot to get our bags out of the car, and did not get anything ready for Sunday morning like I usually do.  But I decided it would just have to be an early morning.

This morning I got up around 7:00 after a long night with Baby Doll.  I was so tired, but I knew I had to get myself and three kids fed, dressed and loaded in the car in time for church.  No big deal, until my husband went to get our stuff from the car and discovered it was no longer there.  My purse (and wallet) and our diaper bag were stolen out of the car sometime last night.  So I then spent a huge chunk of my morning on the phone with our banks trying to get all our cards and checks cancelled (and just barely made it to church in time to drop the kids off in the nursery and prepare to teach children's church).  : (

Thankfully, there was no cash in my purse, and they never even made any purchases with my cards.  I had also taken out my phone and my camera, so neither of those were lost, and I had my keys in the house with me, otherwise they may have just driven off with the car.

So honestly, it has not been the best weekend, and I am ready to crash tonight, and start fresh tomorrow!!

"The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction.  Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day."  Lamentations 3:22-23 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bethany, what a weekend you had. I am thankful that there was nothing of valued stolen from your car. Praying you have a restful start to your week.
