1. Everything is bigger in Texas! You hear this all the time, but you don't know how true it is until you get here!
2. It's a good kind of HOT. Yes, in the middle of the summer, it gets up to 108 degrees, but it feels so good, because it's not the sticky, humid hot of Virginia!
3. Houses are cheap. Now, I know the housing market stinks and you can probably get a good deal just about anywhere, but houses are cheap here all the time! You get so much more for your money.
4. Professional sports teams! Ok, so I'm not a huge Texas Rangers fan (or Cowboys, or Mavericks), but they're right here, and we can go see them whenever we want! Plus, I get to see my Red Sox play when they're here!
5. We can secede from the Union! That's right, Texas could secede. I'm not saying it should and/or will, just pointing out an interesting fact.
6. It's like watching the live version of King of the Hill. I'm not kidding, when we would watch this silly cartoon back home, we assumed it was an exaggeration! It's not. It's actually a pretty accurate take on the people and state of Texas. And I love it.
7. No state income tax. The only ones who take our money here are our good friends in Washington.
8. My daughter was born here. That's something, right?
9. People actually wear cowboy boots. Everywhere. Even to church. AND, there is a Cowboy Church! Yes, that is what it's called, The Cowboy Church. (Don't ask me what it is, I'm not really sure.)
10. We have been welcomed with open arms. The people we have met here have been loving, and made us feel more than welcome. They take care of us and our beautiful girl, and I'm so incredibly thankful for the love we have found here.
Well, I could probably keep going, but 10 is such a nice number to end on. So there you go, 10 wonderful reasons to love Texas. If you're from Texas, feel free to add to the list. If you're in Virginia, come and visit sometime! :)
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