Because let's be honest...sometimes I get jealous.
But not in a oh-my-gosh-that's-so-not-fair-that-I-can't-have-what-you-have kind of way. No, I don't ever get jealous like that. (Well, at least that's not what I'm talking about tonight...I am human, after all). But, surely I can be jealous in a righteous, Christian, I'm-so-proud-of-what-you're-doing-and-wish-I-could-do-it-too, kind of way, right? Maybe?
Because if I am totally, completely, from the bottom of my heart, honest today, I would have to say that I am struggling with jealousy.
In the past few days, some dear friends of ours packed their bags/tubs/backpacks, boarded a plane, flew to Nicaragua, and then proceeded to get settled in for their new life in the heart of Central America. Let me be clear: they not only flew to Nicaragua, they moved there. To live. To serve. To love. And yes, suffice it to say, I am just the tiniest bit jealous. Ok, maybe more than a tiny bit. Because as much as I love Texas (like Texas?), Nicaragua is where my heart is. I was admiring their recently updated photos tonight and found myself pining for the beauty of the beaches, the hustle and bustle of the city, and the take-your-breath-away (due in part to the gushing sulfur pouring out of its mouth and into your lungs) volcanoes. Ah, how I wish I was there.
Such sweet children, ready and willing to serve the Lord. What a precious sight!
Sigh. Oh well. I guess for tonight I will just have to pray for forgiveness of my jealous heart, and for the protection and provision of my friends. And, of course, begin the countdown until I get to visit and share in everything they are accomplishing!

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