Sunday, December 27, 2009

Movin' On Up!

Probably the best Christmas present we received this year was that our little boy was moved from his bed in the acute side of the intensive care unit to the progressive care unit.  He is completely off the CPAP, and is now in progressive care, where the focus is more on preparing the baby to go home.  It is still impossible to know when he will be ready to go home, but we're certainly getting closer!

He used to be here, in bed number 4:

But now he's here, in progressive care:

The atmosphere in progressive is so different.  It is peaceful and quiet, and almost all of the babies are in cribs, rather than isolettes.  There are no ventilators, no transport teams rushing in newborns.  Instead, there are swings and bouncy seats and mobiles.  We were so excited that he made this big step, and glad we were able to spend some time with him on Christmas.  The stocking in the picture was made by hospital volunteers for all of the babies, and was filled with all kinds of goodies!  And I couldn't resist putting a Santa hat on him, since it was his first Christmas and all.

He is doing great, but did have to go back on oxygen again after a few days.  It is simply a nasal cannula now, however, and they have already turned the pressure down some.  I think this is going to be a good week for my sweet baby!


  1. I am so happy for you! This is exciting news. Merry Christmas little one!

  2. Wow how good is the Lord we serve , I am praying for yall and the Cohan gets to go home soon i know that is in time but he is a fighter and is moving up so fast . Praise the Lord
