Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Sweet, Beautiful Baby Girl!!

Today, you are one year old.  One year ago, at 8:00 in the morning, your daddy and I received the most precious Christmas gift we could have ever wanted.  You were a petite 6 pounds, 3 ounces, and alert and curious the moment you were born.

Sometimes I can't even believe how much I love you.  And that love only grows with each passing day.

I love your smile.

I love the way your face scrunches up when you laugh.

I love the way you cross your feet in your high chair or car seat.

I love the way you can always cheer me up.

I love how ticklish you are.

And I love how you light up a room the moment you enter.

You are such a sweet girl, and will make a fabulous big sister!

It's so hard to believe that exactly one year ago, we thought we would be celebrating our last Christmas without children, only to have my daughter surprise us in time for Christmas.  How strange, looking back now, that we thought three weeks was early.  Who knew that on my daughter's first birthday, she would have a six week old brother who was twelve weeks early.  We sure didn't!!  But how exciting to be blessed with two beautiful children.  I still can't believe my daughter is already a year old.  Feels like just yesterday we were celebrating her first Christmas.

We love you, baby girl.

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