Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One thing After Another...


I did not go to see my son at the hospital today.


I will not be going to see him and hold him tomorrow.

Why, you ask?

Well, because I have, somehow, from somewhere, caught a very nasty, "rip roaring" (as my doctor so kindly put it), case of pink eye.  Between me and my daughter, this makes doctor trip number three in the past two weeks.

Yup, pink eye.  That nasty, gunky, insanely contagious infection that makes my eye so red, you would think I haven't slept in 3 days.  But back to the insanely contagious part.  Aside from being incredibly uncomfortable and irritating, I cannot risk infecting my son, and therefore, cannot go to the hospital until I am no longer contagious.  As frustrating as that is, I am thankful that I should be cleared up and infection-free by Christmas Day.  I don't think I could handle not being able to be with my little man on his very first Christmas!

PLUS, tomorrow, my daughter, my first-born, apple of my eye, will be exactly ONE YEAR OLD.  So, although I will be stuck at home, unable to see my baby boy's sweet face, I will be able to spend the ENTIRE, uninterrupted day, with my beautiful daughter.  Not too bad of a trade off, huh? 

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