But instead of answers and a clear picture, everything is a blur, and no matter how much I try to comprehend or attempt to cling to logic, things stay fuzzy.
Sometimes, I just can't figure out what road God is taking us down, and sometimes, even when I get answers, they are not the answers I want. The thing is, God is not necessarily guiding me through life based on my wants, or my desires. And He is certainly not always showing me what lies ahead anytime I want a sneak peak. In fact, there may be things that I experience in this life that I never understand this side of heaven.
Slowly but surely, God is teaching me about this thing called trust. Trusting in Him and His plan, rather than searching and planning on my own. Proverbs 3 states:
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight." v. 5-6
And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight." v. 5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart," meaning trusting for His provision, His guidance, His peace, etc. We must trust, in complete submission, in all things. This means actually living out that trust day by day. And part of living out that trust means NOT leaning on my own understanding. Not leaning on my own selfish desires, or sinful nature, or inadequate knowledge of the situation.
This is where the whole trust thing becomes difficult for me. I am a very analytical person. I have to analyze from every angle, ask every question, and then come to the most logical conclusion. This is the exact opposite of what God wants from me, however. He does not want me to try to sort things out on my own, apply some man-made logic, or see things as the world may see them. No, He wants me to trust in Him and His plan, and trust that He has everything under control. Looking to my own wisdom will only lead to failure. Matthew Henry, in his Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible, states that "those who know themselves cannot but find their own understanding to be a broken reed, which, if they lean to, will certainly fail them. In all our conduct we must be diffident [lacking] of our own judgment, and confident of God's wisdom, power and goodness."
Not only that, but in all our ways, we must acknowledge Him. The good, the bad and the ugly. When the way seems easy and wonderful and blessed, we must acknowledge Him with thanksgiving, but when the way seems difficult and uncomfortable, and not at all what we had envisioned for our life, we must acknowledge Him with submission.
And then? If we trust in the Lord rather than our own understanding, and acknowledge God in all of life's ups and downs, what then?
"He will make your paths straight." Whether the road ahead is clear or blurry, smooth or bumpy, winding or uncertain, the Lord will make our path straight.
What a blessing and tremendous promise! God will guide the path of my life, and I don't have to figure things out on my own! I don't have to understand every detail or see the road that lies ahead. God has a good and perfect plan for me. So lean not, friends, on your own understanding, but put your trust in our gracious Lord and Savior.

What a wonderful post.. That is one of my favorite verses I just have to remember also to trust in Him. Sometimes I wish we could see just around the corner or a few miles ahead :) I hope you're having a wonderful day!
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