Monday, April 19, 2010

"Not Me!" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.  GOOD TIMES! :)

This week, I did not spend entirely too much of my time blog hopping during the Ultimate Blog Party.  No, I have too many important things to do to waste such a huge amount of my time on the internet.  :) (But if I did, I definitely made tons of new friends AND won an giftcard, making it totally worth my time!!)

And this week I definitely did not lose a ridiculous amount of sleep because I was up all night anxious about going back to work (substitute teaching) for the first time since my son was born.  No, I am not so uptight a mom that I would be worried about being gone for just one day.  And I would definitely not be concerned about dad spending the whole day taking care of the kids by himself, because he is a perfectly capable and loving dad!  So of course I would never be worried that everyone would get fed, naps and medicine at the right times.  No, not me!  But if I did stay up all night, thinking of all the things that needed to get done in my absence, I definitely would not finally get up out of bed at the crack of dawn and cancel the job I had accepted.  No, that would be rude and irresponsible.  I would never do such a thing, and then quietly crawl back in bed for two more hours of sleep.  Especially considering I was a teacher, once upon a time, and would have hated to have a substitute cancel on me.  (Ok, truth be told, I did not think twice about what was going on in my classroom in my absence.  I was just happy to be getting a break! I did not have the best teaching job, but that is a whole other story...)    

So what have YOU not been doing this week??    


  1. I'm still visiting blogs from the ultimate blog party, so just wanted to say "hi!" Your children are precious!

    I also was a teacher prior to staying at home with my children. My career as a substitute lasted one day; I decided that wasn't for me! Now I get my "teaching" fix by working with a children's group at our church on Wednesday night.

    Have a great night!

  2. oh goodness girl, I love you, haha!
    I am a blog addict as well!!! Glad to see you won something...I'm never that lucky!
