He is still on a special preemie formula that has extra calories. This is helpful because he has a hard time finishing his bottles, so even though he may not be eating as many ounces in a day that other babies his age are, he is getting extra calories to make up for it. So he is still growing big and strong. He hasn't been weighed in a while, but I think he is around 12 pounds, and about 23 inches long.
Other than that, he is really healthy. Thankfully, we made it through flu season without catching anything at all, so no more time was spent in the hospital. He is a very happy and social baby, and loves to be talked to and smiled at. He coos and babbles and smiles all the time, which is a great sign. He is now sucking on his fingers a lot, which is also a big developmental milestone. He is also surprisingly mobile. He likes to kick and wiggle a lot, so he scoots and turns all over the place. He also likes to push off with his feet whether he's on his tummy or his back, so sometimes he really gets around.
The newest thing he can do is flip from his tummy to his back. Unfortunately, we have yet to witness this amazing feat. He's done it twice in the last couple of days, but has been in his crib both times. I'm hoping to catch it on video sometime soon!
Well, I think that's all for now. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Awwwww he has come sooo far!!!! YAY! I'll have to check my son's book but I think he was the same age just about or maybe a tad older when he was rolling tummy to back. Thanks for the update. He is precious!
ReplyDeleteMe and Mine in a Small Town
Thank you for the update! I always love to see his precious face!
ReplyDeleteCarrie @ comfortedbyGod.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHi, Bethany!
This is my first visit to your sweet blog--love the precious baby pics. About the medications... I know what thats like. A few years ago I was diagnosed with a crippling chronic illness. I have to take a lot of medicine just to be able to walk and move freely. My children have learned a lot about compassion as theyve witnessed my pain and my faith. Im sure your precious little boy will grow up seeing your relationship with Christ lived out in him. His illness may facilitate an amazing walk of faith with Christ.
Bethany- Your little man is beautiful!! I am praising God with you that he is doing so great!!