He is now a whopping 14 pounds, and about 24 inches long. And these days he is rolling all over the place like a champ, and has great control of his head.
Now, we are working on sitting up. Occasionally he can keep his balance for a few seconds, and today when he started to fall over he put his hand down to catch himself. But, in general, he's still pretty far from sitting completely on his own.
He also loves to sleep on his belly. I could always tell when he was sleepy, because he would be trying desperately to roll over. Now, he just rolls over and lays down. But what I love, is that not only does he prefer his tummy, but he then crosses his feet and sticks his bottom in the air. It's so cute!!
Happy 7 months, sweet boy!

Oh he's the cutest. Look at that red hair! I love when babies sleep on their tummies with their bums up in the air and their feet curled under. So precious!