Last night, my husband was packing and preparing for his trip, and had his bag in the living room so he could get together everything he needed and pack it up. Well, my daughter likes to be helpful, so whenever I am trying to fold laundry, she usually goes through it and makes her own piles (meaning everything gets
unfolded and thrown on the floor). Well, she started to pull the clothes out of his suitcase, and we had to tell her those needed to stay put, but she could pull clothes out of the laundry basket instead.
Well, that would just not do. I guess since she was not allowed to pull all the clothes out of the suitcase, she decided she would just join them in there instead.
I guess she wanted to travel with her daddy! She is definitely daddy's little girl :)
She also found one of her toys and packed that in the bag with his clothes. You know, in case he gets bored sometime. She is such a sweet girl!!
Oh how precious! She's adorable!