Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. GOOD TIMES! :)
I haven't participated in "Not Me!" Monday in a while, so I thought I was due to fess up to some things! Not that I ever do anything silly, or inappropriate, because I totally have it all together, like I mentioned here, but I came up with a few things to share. ;)
Because I am always prepared and have everything I need at all times, I definitely show up to my doctor's appointments with everything ready to go. So of course I would never drive all the way to the doctor (with my son), leaving my medication for my shot at home. And I would never get to the appointment, get checked in, proceed to wait patiently in the waiting room, all the while not having my medication (which is half the reason I am there in the first place). No, it would never take me thirty minutes to realize I am not even prepared for my appointment that I have been waiting so patiently for.
So then, I would never have to admit to the nurse that I have to leave, drive home, retrieve said medicine, and then drive back, all the while trying to keep my son happy and calm. And of course, I would never let this happen just one hour before the office is closing. So I would never have to rush home and rush back (with almost no gas left in my car) and make sure I get back in time to have my appointment, get my shot, AND try to keep my baby from fussing. No, I would never be so scatter-brained as to turn a simple, quick appointment into a three and a half hour affair! :)
And of course, because I am always prepared, I always have meals planned ahead of time if we are going to be out of the house. So when we packed up for church last night, I certainly did not neglect to pack something for my daughter to eat for dinner. Knowing we would not be home until late, there's no way I would be so forgetful! And so I would NEVER resort to feeding her cookies to hold her over until we could get home and enjoy some "real" food, because I make sure my children eat nothing but healthy, well-balanced meals at all times.
So what do you say? What have you NOT been doing this week? :)

lol... too funny!