But never fear, I'm back now! :)
It's so hard for me to believe that I have so much to update you on after a relatively short reprieve, but it's true. Things have been happening, so I'm going to try and catch you up on everything all at once. Brace yourself!
My handsome boy:
I feel like my son has suddenly made leaps and bounds. We're still working on eating and swallowing his applesauce, but we're definitely making progress!! He also now has TWO teeth! The two bottom teeth just showed up one day. Who knew!
He can also hold his own bottle, it just takes a little coaxing sometimes. But as long as I sit him in his infant seat, and help him position his hands, he can usually hold and eat his bottle all by himself. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a tremendous help this is, especially when he, his sister, and mommy all need to eat at the same time!
And the most exciting news (at least to me!) is that he is now scooting! We officially have a mobile baby. He scoots on his belly, mostly pushing with his feet, but also using his arms to pull. He is able to get up on his hands and knees, and once or twice has attempted to actually crawl, but then he gives up and flops back down on his belly. But I'm not concerned. His sister went straight from scooting to pulling up and walking, and never really did crawl. But we'll see what he does!
My sweet girl:
My daughter is growing up before my very eyes. I'll have more on her recent adventures later, but let's just say I am suddenly realizing she's not a baby anymore. :(
She is talking up a storm, and I think she learns new words everyday. It's fun to be able to have a "conversation" with her now. I'm constantly amazed at how smart she is! And helpful. She loves to help with whatever I am doing, whether it's sweeping the floor or feeding her brother.
She also has a new found love for Dora the Explorer. I'm not really sure where this came from, considering we had only watched the cartoon a few times, but now, whenever she sees her (on tv, in the store, in a book, etc.) she gets SO excited. "Dora! That's Dora! Yay!" I love it though, because this is the first thing she has ever showed any interest in. Ever! She is a very busy girl, and has never been one to be entertained by the tv or cartoons for more than a minute, and has never cared this much about any one cartoon in particular. So it's really fun for me to see her so excited about watching Dora, or reading a Dora storybook. I am thinking Dora birthday party?? :)
My Pregnancy:
Sorry for the lack of updating here, but everything is still going well. I am almost 26 weeks, and I'm still getting weekly shots. My doctors have also started doing fetal fibronectin tests which can tell if you may go into labor in the next two weeks. So far, the test has been negative, meaning there is no presence of fetal fibronectin which shows up prior to going into labor. So if it's not there, I know I will stay pregnant for the next two weeks, at which time we do the test again (and hopefully get another negative result).
This provides some added reassurance, but I am still constantly aware of every ache and pain. I am starting to get a little uncomfortable and have a lot of aches and pains. But using an ace bandage to wrap around and support my belly, as well as a heating pad on my back when I need it, helps a lot.
I am trying so hard to relax and not stress, but it can definitely be difficult after what I went through with my son. Especially considering I had a normal pregnancy up to that point. And considering how quickly things happened, with very little warning. But the doctors assure me I am not in labor or close to labor as of right now, so I am thankful. If I can keep this baby in my belly for another 10-11 weeks, we should be good. So one day at a time!
Well, I think that's about it! At least for now. I promise to share pictures later, once I get them on my computer. :)

I am so thankful for this update! Sounds like your little man is getting stronger each day. So nice to hear of how he's doing. My daughter use to love Dora. I would wake up singing those songs all the time. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well. Take care!