I know I've written about this many times over. About all the things that we've experienced in our three years of marriage so far that weren't "according to plan", all ups and downs, and all the times I had my own perfectly great and wonderful plan of my own. The problem is, it was just that. MY plan. And radically different from God's plan. And I have had to learn to remind myself that I don't want it any other way.
So apparently, this is a lesson that I am still learning, and probably will be learning for the rest of my life.
Because I do trust in God's plan. And as I continue to see God work out, in the most tremendously amazing ways that only He can, our life circumstances and challenges, I learn and marvel all over again that God's plans are SO much better than anything I could ever map out. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. And while a few years ago, I may not have been able to see and recognize this truth in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, the more God gently and lovingly reminds me of His promises, the more peace I am able to enjoy. Because now I know for a fact that God will work out the details and always bring us out of the trenches. And no matter what comes our way, I know we will be better for it.
Now, when I look back at difficult circumstances, or happenings that didn't fit into my "plan," I am able to see how incredibly amazing the Lord was to orchestrate things the way He did. Plans that I never would have planned for myself, but have proven time and time again to work to the glory of God. And ultimately, that's all that I want my life to be about anyway. His Glory.
And so when things look uncertain, I can simply continue in the work that God has called me to in this season of life, because I know God already has everything figured out. Yes, sometimes it's hard to be patient, and it's hard to not question the timing, or try and work everything out on my own, but if I stay focused on the only things that matter, God will work things out in His wonderful and perfect timing. And so I am able to rest in the peace and assurance of that truth!
And of course, I have to remember that even once things finally work themselves out, another time will come when life doesn't go according to "plan." Because that is apparently the theme of my life. Now I guess all I need is a theme song! Any suggestions? :)

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