It's hard to say. And I guess it varies from kid to kid. But let's just say this weekend, after much denying (or ignoring) of facts, I finally had to face the truth head on that we have arrived. We are officially parents to an active, opinionated, non-stop...TODDLER.
How do I know this? Well, let's just say that in addition to my daughter's new found adoration for Dora the Explorer, she has finally learned the purpose and joy found in a box of crayons. Yup, after months of just staring at them in wonderment, or putting them in her mouth, she finally began to actually color with them.
As excited as I was to discover this new stage of development (I have been pining for the day that we could color and do "art" projects together), it did not end there. No, it did not end there. Any idea where this story is going?
After discovering that she had gone into her daddy's bag and pulled out the first piece of paper she could find, as well as a pencil (that did not work) and was on the floor "coloring," I swapped out her pencil for a crayon so she could create something beautiful for daddy while he was at work.
I came back a minute later to admire her work and praise her creativity, to find this:
Yup, she created her beautiful work on art, on our wall. If that doesn't say, "Welcome to toddlerhood," loud and clear, I don't know what does. Thankfully, it is on a pretty inconspicuous place, and she was so proud, so it didn't really bother me that much. BUT, that does not mean that I want to admire her handy work all over my house. :) Needless to say, we went out that afternoon for some Crayola color wonder paper and markers. Now she can color wherever she pleases, to her heart's content.
So it's official. We are the proud parents of a Dora loving, (occasional) temper tantrum throwing, furniture climbing, wall coloring...toddler.

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