Admiring the pumpkins! |
Ready for the hayride! |
Waving to the cows! |
Calm and laid back as usual :) |
Everyone was so tired by the end, I couldn't get a smile with their new pumpkins... |
But my baby doll was happy to oblige! |
"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21
Admiring the pumpkins! |
Ready for the hayride! |
Waving to the cows! |
Calm and laid back as usual :) |
Everyone was so tired by the end, I couldn't get a smile with their new pumpkins... |
But my baby doll was happy to oblige! |
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So glad you had a great time and that you are doing well. The kids are getting big so fast! Really precious.