Monday, October 3, 2011

One Reason I Love My Job

Let me preface this post by saying, I do not always love my job.  Some days, I am so exhausted, I can barely get out of bed.  Some days, I am so tired of repeating myself, I think I might snap.  And some days, my high school students act more like two year olds than my two year old.


Then there are days when God uses one of those students to bless me and encourage me in ways I have never been blessed before.

I have a senior who is a refugee from Nepal.  He is an amazing, Godly leader, and I am learning a lot from him.  He recently came to class and explained to me that during his quiet time, he prays for a handful of students and teachers specifically, and by name.  For the past few days, he had been praying for me and wanted me to know.

He then handed me a piece of paper that said:

"So thankful that God has given me teacher and sister in Christ like you.  I always feel bless to be in your class.  Let you know that you're in my prayer...
 This is how I pray for you...
Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." 
1.  I pray that God give you wisdom that you need to teach high school students!  For His glory!
2.  I pray that you would grow closer to Christ each day to become a better mother, wife, teacher, sister in Christ for His glory.
3.  I pray that you heart would be right before God, and that you will be faithful to study God's word each day.
4.  I pray that God would grant you wisdom in the decisions that you need to make each day.
5.  I pray that you will be blessed and a way of blessing to others each and every day of your life.
6.  I pray that God be with your family and make your family a blessed and happy family."
 I am so grateful for the opportunity to meet so many wonderful youth, who encourage me, strengthen me, and challenge me in my faith.  Please pray that I can be a Godly example to them, and that I will have opportunities to share the things that God has taught me through my life experiences so far.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, crying now. What a blessing. (stumbled here from your comment on mckmama).
