Monday, February 20, 2012

A Post In Which I Brag a Little...or a Lot...

In the busyness of life, I have completely neglected to acknowledge the various little milestones my sweet baby doll has been reaching these last few months.  Which is truly a travesty, because she is SO stinkin' smart, and I hate that I have not kept a better account of her genius! Haha!

So now that she is 15months old, I will share with you what she has been doing for the past two months.   (Better late than never, right!?)

First, around 13 months, in her stubborn, refusing to be the "baby" way, she decided she was too big to be spoon fed by Mommy and Daddy.  And so she began feeding herself.  And I'm not just talking finger foods, people.  She began feeding herself with a spoon. Granted, we still end up with a mess, but to be so little, she's pretty darn good at it!  Actually, sometimes she makes less of a mess than her brother!!

Second, she said her first word ("Daddy") around 13 months too.  Since then she has been picking up words all over the place!  She can probably say 5-6 words now, but she repeats words and sounds that she hears ALL the time.  You may not find this all that impressive, but considering my other two did not utter a single word (no, not even "Mommy" or "Daddy") until at least 16 or 17 months, I am AMAZED to hear the things that come out of her mouth!  Some things she can say: "Daddy," "uh-oh," "ball," "hello," "baby."

Third, she loves to play with her toys.  If she is playing with a baby doll, she hugs it, rocks it, and feeds it a bottle.  If she has a toy phone (or anything she wants to pretend is a phone), she holds it to her ear and says, "Hello."  I don't know where this type of pretend play falls on the list of developmental milestones, but I'm definitely impressed! :-D

Fourth, about a month ago she started walking.  She has taken her time, much like her brother, in this.  Although she can walk and stand (and climb up and down on the sofa), she still chooses to crawl more often than not.  She can get around so much faster when she crawls, it's just too much trouble to bother wobbling unsteadily on her feet.  But one day she'll realize it's easier to walk, and before we know it, she'll be running after her siblings!

Her is a video of her first wobbly steps about a month ago.  She is walking much better now, but I haven't gotten anymore video.  This is not the best quality, but it's cute nonetheless!!

Well, I could seriously go on all day long, but I'll stop my bragging there.  :)  Happy Monday!!

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