I am 100% addicted.
I'm not so sure I should admit this.
I look forward to it all week.
I'm only slightly obsessed (in a completely healthy kind of way).
It seriously makes me smile. And laugh. And sometimes cry. Ok, maybe not cry. But it really makes me smile.
What is it?
One word.
Yup, I am officially in love with the new, quirky, incredibly random, song and dance comedy-drama, Glee. It's about a high school Glee club and I don't know exactly what it is about this show that I love so much, because sometimes it is so weird. But then there are these incredibly sweet, heart-warming moments that, well, just make me smile.
There are so many unique characters, yet there always seems to be a focus on accepting each other as they are, and working together as a team. And I like that. And I have always been a fan of musicals (I know, major nerd), so I guess I just love watching the musical performances. They are, in my opinion, a very talented cast, and they look like they are having so much fun when they are performing, it's incredibly fun to watch. Plus, it's great music. Or maybe I just have this deep-rooted, secret desire to perform in a Broadway musical. Who knows.
So, I am admitting it. I love Glee. I guess that makes me a geek, ahem, gleek. But I'm ok with that.

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